Ok, after another visit Last week to Kisumu,I met with a dear friend and fellow musician.I guess she lives about 10 miles away from my town,read and don't forget to check out(her coming single)
What's your names?
My names are Cameline Owendy.
What genre of music do you consider your work to be? Who are your major influences?
My major influences are Yuanita Bynum, Rebbecca Malope, Will Smith, Kambua Manundu, Mercy Wairegi, Rossy Ohon, Mercy Masika, Sally Oduor and many others.
How long have you been in a group/solo How did you meet?
I am with the Victor Dali group, who I did met in church
Where have you performed? What are your favorite venues? Which songs do you perform most frequently?
I do minister in church and ma favorites are Worship English R&B style, Lingala, and Dub songs
Whats your say to the 30 meter noise rules? Does it affect you?
The bible says that make a joyful noise to the lord. As long as it is a joyful noise it does not affect me in any way.This rule should be struck off since it is bringing a limitation to the praising of God.
Who writes your songs? What are the main themes or topics for most of your songs? Do you think these topics will change over time?
I write ma own songs,I get inspired to write my own songs from above. Most of ma songs are based on the works of Jesus being the name that is above every other name. Most songs focus on life and how we should handle life, how we should live as Christians,love walk, righteousness, true worship and holiness of our true God (Jehovah) who alone reigns.Never changing message,because this is what Im called to,called for,to carry such a deep and changing message,through all my time.
How has your music evolved since you first began music?
My music is evolved from simply music loving habit to a calling to the nations, to minister through singing, prophetically to the lives of the people and bring a change around the globe.
What has been your biggest challenge as a musician? Have you been able to overcome that challenge? If so, how?
The biggest challenge was a hustle with English songs, not being able to sing them so well and guess what!!! Jehovah says I have international anointing; now I’m able to overcome the challenge because He is God of all flesh and there is nothing too hard for him to do,I can do all things through Him that strengthens me each day, a gud work He has started in me He will bring it to a completion.
What’s your ultimate direction for your music? Are you seeking fame and fortune?
My ultimate direction is to minister to the lives of pple and bring a major and mega change. I wanna see the sick being healed, the lame walk, the blind see, the dead rise up again to live.The mute and dumb talk so that the glory of God is revealed to those who do not believe.Want to touch pples lives through worship and praise so that they can come to him the Great I am.Fame comes.Fame for Jesus.
What advice do you have for people who want to form their own bands?
People forming their gospel music bands are to seek direction and the face of God. let them trust in Him,He is a God of silver and God and in all their plans let them commit to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that they can ever ask or imagine.
Any last words?
My word to Musicians is they should trust the Lord with all their hearts leaning not on their own understanding and in all they do they should acknowledge Him and He shall direct their paths.Minister to pple and not perform. So many people out here are desperate for God. They should minister with songs that convey a message to pple other than just performing.